Monday 16 July 2012

Drawings of Women

Looking through my work I noticed that my portfolio seriously lacks drawings of women (which is a bit of a problem because it's a category which half the worlds population falls into). To rectify this I had a look at the website for "Vogue Magazine" which is full of pictures of hot women looking vacantly into the distance whilst wearing colourful clothes. I drew a few of them in sketchbook pro and pen and ink. At first it was a bit of a struggle because I'm used to either drawing people looking comical, looking angry or looking manly and vacant (see previous blog posts) but I quickly found my stride and produced the images below.

 For the drawing below I attached an ink pen to compass (like most of my techniques I stole this from Ralph Steadman) and drew lots of circles behind the woman. It ended up looking like the Looney Tunes logo but I've learnt from the mistake.

 When I did this one I had loads of ink on my hands (I'm left handed but for some reason I always draw the left side first so I then smudge everything as I draw the right side.)
 In this sketch I drew the arms by the woman's sides and then on her hips in the same drawing, it's groundbreaking stuff...

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