Sunday 16 September 2012

My Current Work Space

On Tuesday a parcel arrived containing loads of new ink, dipping pens, diffusers, paints and brushes so I've spent a lot of time working on some new stuff. I'm not very good at keeping surfaces clean and tidy as I draw (I tend to splatter ink everywhere and create a general mess around my work area) so to save the desk in my new room from total destruction I covered it with protective wrapping paper. Last night I was sitting at my desk watching "The Simpsons" on my laptop and I couldn't resist drawing on the massive white surface in front of me, the following is the result of 20 minutes hardcore doodling;

Also here's the back of my laptop, I graffitied the back of it because about 70% of Falmouth students seem to have macbook pros and I didn't anyone to mistake mine for theirs (I also drew on my ipad because it was near my laptop at the time);

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