Friday 15 February 2013


Over the past couple of weeks I've been doing a lot of work for my course and 3rd year projects so I haven't been completing as many personal drawings as usual. This evening I decided to take a night off and work on something non-animation related so I looked through my sketchbook and found a concept which I'd been wanting to turn into a drawing for a while. I put on some music and immersed myself in this drawing and by the time I finished it I looked at my clock and realised I'd concentrated on it for a solid two hours without a break (which is impressive considering I have the attention span of a labrador). I'm quite happy with how this turned one out, I sort of drew it in the style I used about 2 and a half years ago when I began the I.B. and comparing this with my work from back then made me realise how far I've progressed recently. I did the whole thing on one layer using a square brush with 100% opacity in photoshop.

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