Monday 13 August 2012


(Click on the images to see them full size)
This afternoon I've been playing around on my Ipad and using sketchbook pro (and a nomad drawing brush) to make the pictures below. I thought it would be interesting to try and paint the whole thing using one brush and change around the opacity and radius to create textures. I then created a background layer and used a mirror tool to spatter the red paint behind the picture, this worked really well as I had painted it on a grey background originally (so the areas which needed to be really white where brightened and the red showed through). Last year I studied the paintings of Georgia O'keefe who painted animal skulls and flowers in desert landscapes and I had her paintings in mind as I began this. I like the way skulls have strange and sinister beauty to them, the lopsided symmetry, the black holes where eyes should be and the association with danger makes them really interesting to draw. I used the mirror tool on the background with this symmetry in mind but chose a brush which creates random splatters so that the shape is not quite symmetrical giving it a more natural feel.  

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